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How To Stay Clean When You Can’t Get A Shower Every Day 

How To Stay Clean When You Can’t Get A Shower Every Day

This article will not be a long one but I promise that what I have to say about, How To Stay Clean When You Can’t Get A Shower Everyday will be very important.

If you will be an over the road trucker, you will NOT get a shower everyday. That’s just the way it is. This is why I say local truck driving where you are home every night or every other night is a job. Over the road truck driving is a lifestyle. With that being said, here are some tips to stay clean on the days when you can’t get a shower.

Baby Wipes

Use baby wipes on no shower days to clean your face, neck, armpits, and front and back of your areas below the waist, and your feet. That actually will keep you clean and not smelly. 


This should go without saying but you will find that many truck drivers do not use deodorant for some reason or another. USE IT!  

Socks and Underwear

You will always want to have a lot of socks and underwear with you as you should put on a fresh set everyday. It defeats the purpose of using the baby wipes if you then put the dirty socks and underwear on.  

Brush your teeth daily

If you are somewhere that has not facilities you can always do it when you stop for fuel or a break at a truck stop or rest area. Nobody likes a truck driver with dragon breath. I have talked to truckers whose breath kicked as hard as Bruce Lee. Don’t be one of them!

That is it for this article. Some of this advice seems like common sense but many drivers don’t do these things. Don’t be one of those truckers who takes better care of their truck than their own personal hygiene.

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